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I have been into video games and technology ever since I was little. Before the advent of the idevices, I was an avid gamer on the NES, Sega Genesis, and even an old Atari 2600. Since then I have owned a GameCube, Wii, and Xbox 360. I bought my first idevice, a 3rd generation iPod touch, back in 2009 and upgraded to an iPhone 4 last year. I try to keep up with everything iOS.


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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Mass Migration

Dear Readers,

I am sorry that AppHog has been silent for the past few months. It has been difficult to balance my time between school work, sports, college applications, and review writing. However, I have migrated the AppShack and am now writing reviews there along with several other great writers. I invite you to come and visit this site and read all of the reviews that we have. Here is the link http://www.the-app-shack.com/ Thank you so much for sticking around!

Daniel Douvris

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