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I have been into video games and technology ever since I was little. Before the advent of the idevices, I was an avid gamer on the NES, Sega Genesis, and even an old Atari 2600. Since then I have owned a GameCube, Wii, and Xbox 360. I bought my first idevice, a 3rd generation iPod touch, back in 2009 and upgraded to an iPhone 4 last year. I try to keep up with everything iOS.


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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Lamebo vs. Zombies: God didn't make Lamebo. SwagSoft did

"They drew first blood, not me". In SwagSoft's Rambo-esque shooter, Lamebo vs Zombies this is exactly the case.  After a crazy dictator launched World War 3, the US devised a plot to save its soldiers by mutating sheep and sending them out to fight.  However, the scientists’ experiments went haywire when the dictator’s troops broke into the lab. Everything in the vicinity became “zombified” except, of course, Lamebo.  In this zombie-filled world there truly aren’t any “friendly civilians”.  You will soon find that everyone is either trying to jab you with a pitch-fork or drop venomous bird-bombs on your head.
            In these days zombie games run amuck in the App Store.  As more and more of these games are produced it becomes increasingly difficult to create something unique.  In the case of Lamebo vs. Zombies, SwagSoft hits home with some awesome artwork, pick-up and play controls, lots of weapons, and most importantly a foul-mouthed sheep.
            A key aspect in any game is its artwork.  Lamebo vs Zombies creates a great first impression with its crisp and cartoony graphics. Watch clouds of blood explode in the air as you mow down wave after wave of zombies with your choice of 7 weapons.  With a standard pistol, a grenade launcher, and even a lightning gun, you will be able to use the weapon that best fits your zombie-killin’ style.  As you devastate the zombie horde, you earn gold.  You get a certain amount of gold per zombie kill and there will be the occasional item drop of gold or health. Gold is used to purchase and upgrade weapons. Upgrades improve the weapons ammo-cap, damage, and speed. In terms of game play, Lamebo is perfect for both casual and hardcore gamers.  There are three difficulty levels ranging from easy to hard, where easy provides for more relaxed zombie killing and hard provides frantic screen tapping.  The game’s arcade style controls have Lamebo placed near the center of the map and you just tap on enemies to shoot them.  By eliminating movement, the game becomes more enjoyable for casual gamers.
            One cool feature in the game is Armageddon mode.  By killing zombies you fill up the Armageddon meter which makes you invincible for a while and allows you to unleash a hail storm of bullets (these don’t get subtracted from your ammo stash).
            There are a total of 36 different scenes to play in which provide plenty of variation in artwork. As you progress you will meet 10 enemies ranging from Farmer Joes to Ninja Bunnies.  A standard unlock system is in place where you beat a level to unlock the next one.  Once you beat the game in both easy and normal difficulty you unlock Super Lamebo who has more health and power and looks more Rambo-ish. Along with the large number of levels, Lamebo vs Zombies boasts leaderboards and 40 achievements via GameCenter.
            For all of you zombie lovers Lamebo vs Zombies will provide some high-quality, gore-filled, eye-boggling shoot ‘em up action.  For a measly buck there is no reason to pass this game by.  All in all Lamebo vs Zombies earns a solid “A” on the appVersity scale.  The only thing holding this gem back from earning Editor’s Choice is its slight repetitiveness.  Simple yet addictive game play, gorgeous visuals, 40 achievements, 36 levels and several weapons/upgrades all mesh together in Lamebo vs Zombies, a must have shooter.  If you haven’t clicked ‘Buy Now’ yet, go ahead and try out Lamebo: Endless Cavern.  This is a free prelude to Lamebo vs Zombies and gives you a taste for the artwork and game play that you will find in the full version. Please note, Endless Cavern is a demo of sorts and only contains one map and one game mode.

-    Daniel Douvris

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