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I have been into video games and technology ever since I was little. Before the advent of the idevices, I was an avid gamer on the NES, Sega Genesis, and even an old Atari 2600. Since then I have owned a GameCube, Wii, and Xbox 360. I bought my first idevice, a 3rd generation iPod touch, back in 2009 and upgraded to an iPhone 4 last year. I try to keep up with everything iOS.


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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Mass Migration

Dear Readers,

I am sorry that AppHog has been silent for the past few months. It has been difficult to balance my time between school work, sports, college applications, and review writing. However, I have migrated the AppShack and am now writing reviews there along with several other great writers. I invite you to come and visit this site and read all of the reviews that we have. Here is the link http://www.the-app-shack.com/ Thank you so much for sticking around!

Daniel Douvris
Sunday, July 31, 2011

Lamebo vs. Zombies: God didn't make Lamebo. SwagSoft did

"They drew first blood, not me". In SwagSoft's Rambo-esque shooter, Lamebo vs Zombies this is exactly the case.  After a crazy dictator launched World War 3, the US devised a plot to save its soldiers by mutating sheep and sending them out to fight.  However, the scientists’ experiments went haywire when the dictator’s troops broke into the lab. Everything in the vicinity became “zombified” except, of course, Lamebo.  In this zombie-filled world there truly aren’t any “friendly civilians”.  You will soon find that everyone is either trying to jab you with a pitch-fork or drop venomous bird-bombs on your head.
            In these days zombie games run amuck in the App Store.  As more and more of these games are produced it becomes increasingly difficult to create something unique.  In the case of Lamebo vs. Zombies, SwagSoft hits home with some awesome artwork, pick-up and play controls, lots of weapons, and most importantly a foul-mouthed sheep.
            A key aspect in any game is its artwork.  Lamebo vs Zombies creates a great first impression with its crisp and cartoony graphics. Watch clouds of blood explode in the air as you mow down wave after wave of zombies with your choice of 7 weapons.  With a standard pistol, a grenade launcher, and even a lightning gun, you will be able to use the weapon that best fits your zombie-killin’ style.  As you devastate the zombie horde, you earn gold.  You get a certain amount of gold per zombie kill and there will be the occasional item drop of gold or health. Gold is used to purchase and upgrade weapons. Upgrades improve the weapons ammo-cap, damage, and speed. In terms of game play, Lamebo is perfect for both casual and hardcore gamers.  There are three difficulty levels ranging from easy to hard, where easy provides for more relaxed zombie killing and hard provides frantic screen tapping.  The game’s arcade style controls have Lamebo placed near the center of the map and you just tap on enemies to shoot them.  By eliminating movement, the game becomes more enjoyable for casual gamers.
            One cool feature in the game is Armageddon mode.  By killing zombies you fill up the Armageddon meter which makes you invincible for a while and allows you to unleash a hail storm of bullets (these don’t get subtracted from your ammo stash).
            There are a total of 36 different scenes to play in which provide plenty of variation in artwork. As you progress you will meet 10 enemies ranging from Farmer Joes to Ninja Bunnies.  A standard unlock system is in place where you beat a level to unlock the next one.  Once you beat the game in both easy and normal difficulty you unlock Super Lamebo who has more health and power and looks more Rambo-ish. Along with the large number of levels, Lamebo vs Zombies boasts leaderboards and 40 achievements via GameCenter.
            For all of you zombie lovers Lamebo vs Zombies will provide some high-quality, gore-filled, eye-boggling shoot ‘em up action.  For a measly buck there is no reason to pass this game by.  All in all Lamebo vs Zombies earns a solid “A” on the appVersity scale.  The only thing holding this gem back from earning Editor’s Choice is its slight repetitiveness.  Simple yet addictive game play, gorgeous visuals, 40 achievements, 36 levels and several weapons/upgrades all mesh together in Lamebo vs Zombies, a must have shooter.  If you haven’t clicked ‘Buy Now’ yet, go ahead and try out Lamebo: Endless Cavern.  This is a free prelude to Lamebo vs Zombies and gives you a taste for the artwork and game play that you will find in the full version. Please note, Endless Cavern is a demo of sorts and only contains one map and one game mode.

-    Daniel Douvris
Monday, July 18, 2011

Deadlock will launch on Thursday FREE

   Josh Presseisen from Crescent Moon Games has just announced that their upcoming online dual-stick shooter, Deadlock, will be launching for FREE (with NO-ADS).  In my opinion, this is a great strategy and just as Josh said, it should get the online community kick-started.  It is not clear yet how long Deadlock will remain free, but if you are interested at all in gaming, pick this up as soon as you can.
  Also a new game play video was released where Josh talks a little about how the game works.

Just to clear up any confusion, yes there will be option to purchase unlock points via IAP, but you can also earn unlock points by ranking up or winning daily/weekly tournaments.
Friday, July 15, 2011

Deadlock: Call of Duty style Dual-Stick Shooter out on Thursday

   Are you ready for one of the biggest releases of the year? Are you ready? Are you? The folks at Crescent Moon Games are at it again with a new dual-stick shooter called 'Deadlock'.  In the past, CMG has brought numerous gems to iOS including: Ravensword, Aralon, and most recently Pocket RPG.  These people are wizards and they specialize in bringing fantastic graphics and smooth game play to the same table.
   If you haven't already heard, Deadlock is going to be a multi-player focused dual-stick shooter. The awesome thing is that it isn't online only, you can also play against bots (similar to Black Ops). Here is a list of features (via TouchAholics):
-8 player online team deathmatch
-coop multiplayer!!!
-Game Center
-5 maps initially (varying from medium to large)
-Voting system for maps during mulitplayer

-chat box (for in-game and lobby)
-3 game modes; Death Match, Team Death Match, and Capture and Hold
-load out system similar to Call of Duty

      -sub-machine guns
      -assault rifles
      - AND MORE... (sniper rifles, shotguns?)
-armor that effects your stats
-gun attachments that effect your weapon stats
-Unlockable items
-Ranks (initial level cap is 30)

-Universal App

These features are from the initial announcement back in the end of April so there could be some new things in there for release.  Either way, this is going to be one awesome game and I am sure it'll be competing for best of the year.

Below is a Teaser trailer (via TouchArcade) and a hands-on preview (via TouchGen)

Crescent Moon Games has just announced via there twitter that Deadlock will be out Thursday the 21st.  A price has not been announced, but I would expect a $2.99 price tag for this gem.
Saturday, July 2, 2011

Are You Scared of the D.A.R.K.?

    Gamelab's newest title, D.A.R.K., is a roller coaster of sorts.  It isn't enough to say that D.A.R.K. is just another dual-stick shooter.  No, D.A.R.K. goes far beyond that...well, at least tries to.
    You play the role of a D.A.R.K. soldier sent to investigate a lost connection with a space ship named the USS Stormbringer. Hmm, Dead Space? The analogy given is that "Earth has marines. Space has D.A.R.K.".  On your way to the Stormbringer, your ship is hit by an asteroid and your crew is killed.  Some how you still manage to make it to the Stormbringer and you wake up only to find that the ship has been overrun by aliens, the cleaning robots have turned against you, and the workers are now zombies! Beyond the slightly obvious Dead Space references, D.A.R.K. provides more substance than your average dual-stick shooter by telling a somewhat suspenseful story.  I'm not going to get into too much detail on the plot, but one thing you need to know is that it has a rather abrupt ending.  Just as Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows was split into two movies this game is split into two episodes.  According to the devs the second episode should be released in the first update along with a new "Arena" game mode.  Don't expect a lengthy campaign from this first episode of D.A.R.K. (You can finish one playthrough is about an hour).
    In terms of game play, D.A.R.K. is truly unique.  When you're not mowing down wave after wave of zombies, the shooting controls go away and some platforming elements come into pay. Whether it be finding your way around flaming pipes, avoiding sentry-bots, or dodging laser traps, these moments provide a break from the relentless hordes of cleaning-spiderbots and zombies.  Another interesting element of the game is the "wave" system.  When you are fighting enemies, you can see how many waves there will be and what wave you are currently on.  The enemies will keep spawning during each wave and become increasingly difficult to kill.  Also at the end of some of the rounds a boss will appear that has a health bar of its own and is much harder to kill than the other enemies.  As you progress through the game you will face three mega-bosses.  These take a little more effort to kill than the other bosses and are not part of any wave.

    If you are looking for more than just a horror shooter, Gamelab did implement some RPG elements.  As you work your way through the ship you will find a shop in almost every room.  You can buy weapons, armor, and ammo with in-game cash which you earn by killing enemies.  You also gain experience points when you kill enemies which will level you up.  When you reach a new level you get 2 upgrade points.  Currently, there are only 4 areas to upgrade: Movement, Hit Points, Health Regeneration, and Power.  Hopefully some more weapons, armor and upgrade areas will be added in future updates.  Although the upgrades aren't too exciting, they still give you the feeling that you are getting somewhere and improving your character.

    Due to the short campaign, it will take several playthroughs to level up high enough to notice any difference with the upgrades.  As of now D.A.R.K. is a fun, yet short lived shooter that provides you with as much adventure as you paid for.  At a price of $2.99 I would say pick it up and try it for yourself if you love dual-stick shooters and Dead Space. If you are on the fence, I would wait until the update comes out and see how much it improves.
Monday, June 27, 2011

Illusion Labs' 'TouchGrind BMX' is Amazing!

    Back in May, Illusion Labs, the creators of TouchGrind and Labyrinth 2, released their newest masterpiece on the AppStore. Put simply, TouchGrind BMX is amazing. With near perfect controls and a nifty unlock system, TouchGrind BMX is a must-have for both casual and hardcore gamers.
    You begin the game with only one bike and one course, but there are a total of 6 courses and 9 bikes plus tons of different paints to unlock. The courses are based in locations around the world from South America to Japan and even to, ehr, Northland. All of this is displayed in a slick, globe-like menu screen. Now let me elaborate on the whole unlock system. In each course there are a bunch of challenges to complete. Completing these challenges earns you "Adrenaline" which act as experience points. Adrenaline can also be gained by earning either a bronze, silver or gold medal on a course. As you gain Adrenaline, you unlock new bikes, paint jobs, and courses. This system works great and adds a lot of replay value to the game. 
    The selling point of TouchGrind BMX has to be its controls. Just as in the original TouchGrind, the swipe gestures work brilliantly in BMX and create an amazing feeling of immersion. My first time playing I was blown away and felt like I a had a little bike in my fingertips instead of a bunch of pixels. You can perform several tricks including bar spins (flick the handlebars), tail whips(flick bike body),flips and spins, along with any combo imaginable. All in all, the controls work great and fit nicely with the true physics in the game.
    The one disappointment that I had was that there is no free riding area. All of are pretty much linear race tracks that provide jumps to do tricks off of. Sure this works great for its purpose, but it would be nice to have one map to ride around in freely just like in the original Touchgrind.

   Another cool feature is the ability to upload your runs to YouTube. This feature shoots the game's replay value through the roof and is pure genius. By saving and uploading your best tricks, you can challenge your friends and anyone in the world to beat your score.

    What all of this boils down to is that Touchgrind BMX is the best bike simulator out there and will be forever if a free-ride mode is added. Toichgrind BMX is currently priced at $4.99 on the US AppStore and it is worth every dollar and cent.
Saturday, June 25, 2011

'Call of Mini:Zombies' Review : Don't You Ever Miss Mini's Call

  Back in May, Triniti Interactive revealed their new third-person shooter, Call of Mini: Zombies.  Unfortunately, the company’s lack of originality in the title created the false assumption that this would be a blatant copy of the popular Call of Duty series. However, aside from the lack-luster title, Call of Mini plays great and will keep your thumbs glued to the dual stick controls for hours on end.
In this zombie shooter you play as one of 8 characters, each with its own special attributes, in a struggle to live to see another day. You begin your journey as “Joe Blo” who is “nothing special” other than the fact that he can shoot an RPG while dodging zombies.  As you earn more money (by mowing down zombies) you can buy new characters ranging from a nerd to a cowboy to B.E.A.F…yeah that’s right, BEAF. If you ever find yourself running short in cash, you can spend a dollar, 2 dollars, or 4 dollars to get 500,000 or 1,200,000 or 2,700,000 in-game dollars respectively via in-app purchase. In my opinion, the in-app purchase isn’t absolutely necessary because the only thing it will save you is time.
They spit fire...or is that cheese?
There are 12 hilariously terrifying zombie types which add a little spice to the endless carnage.  You have the standard walking zombie, a sprinter, grenade-throwing police officers, fire-spitting chefs, and hunters, boomers, and tanks.  Wait, did I just say hunters, boomers and tanks? Yes, it is almost too obvious that some of the zombies were pulled straight from Valve’s ‘Left 4 Dead’, but that doesn’t detract from the fun of killing them in any way.

The Armory : Buy and Upgrade Weapons
One great feature in the game is the Armory.  The armory is home to 13 completely upgradeable weapons ranging from a weak-sauce MP5 to a beastly PGM rocket launcher that can shoot multiple homing missiles at once.  Weapon upgrades include damage, fire rate, accuracy, and ammo, but they can put a rather large dent in your cash pile.  You can have up to 3 weapons equipped at any time which allows you to develop a unique zombie-killing style.
With all that being said, the only downside to Call of Mini is that there are only two maps.  The fact that this is a day-based survival shooter means that you are going to be doing the same thing over and over.  Since there are only two maps you will be doing the same thing (killing zombies) in the same two places over and over.  Even though the maps are fairly large and look great, once you get around Day 20, they become very repetitive and boring.  Triniti plans to release a large update with “new content” in July, so we can only hope that they will include some new maps.
All in all, Call of Mini: Zombies is a very enjoyable third-person shooter. Where it lacks in originality it makes up for in customizability. I have high hopes that Triniti will eventually bring new maps and cooperative play to the field. If you are looking for a fun zombie-filled third-person shooter, then go pick up Call of Mini today.  It will only drop you a buck and hours of play time.



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